Begin Your Journey

Use Your Energetic Fields to Awaken

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Explore Offerings

One-on-One Sessions

Experience transformative healing and empowerment in a personal session, where intuitive guidance leads you toward self-discovery and energetic balance.

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Cups of Consciousness

Cups of Consciousness offers daily meditations that blend ancient wisdom with modern insights, designed to nurture your soul and elevate your spiritual journey.

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Aleya's podcast dives deep into the realms of spiritual wisdom, offering enlightening conversations and practical tips to enrich and balance your everyday life.

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Courses and Meditations



Hi, I'm Aleya

I’ve been in the healing and alternative health world all of my life. I’ve always been an empath and have searched for ways to help others who are also incredibly sensitive. In 2001, I had an enlightenment experience, and it took me five years to integrate that 30-second moment of awakening. Over the last two decades, I have crafted processes and tools to help those who are highly sensitive and actively engaged in their awakening.


Aleya Dao smiling at the camera

Sip On A Sample Cup...

The Cups of Consciousness™ are the only subscription-based guided meditations that tune into the energy that comes onto the planet

  • Receive insights from the angelic realm.

  • Sit in silence, space out, or go for a walk. Your mind doesn't need to "hear or do" anything. 

  • Your energy fields do all the work as you listen to the energetic protocols, light language, and sound healing.

How we stay in full integrity

we never

Refrain from overly commercializing spiritual practices, keeping the essence of the teachings pure and accessible.


Avoid engaging in or promoting practices that are shallow, not grounded, or disempower.


Steer clear of making exaggerated claims about the outcomes of the practices or teachings, staying true to the realistic benefits of spiritual growth.

we do

Focus on delivering genuine and heartfelt advice based on personal experience and spiritual wisdom, avoiding superficial or generic insights.

Prioritize Personal Growth:

Emphasize practices and teachings that foster genuine personal and spiritual development, steering clear of quick fixes or superficial solutions.

Maintain Transparency:

Be open and honest in communications, ensuring that all offerings and teachings are presented clearly and truthfully.

What Others Experience…

“It all begins with a desire to awaken.