Riding the Waves of Energy: Nurturing Your Relationship with Self and Body

Welcome to the exhilarating journey of self-discovery and energy exploration! In this blog post, we'll delve into the intriguing connection between your consciousness and energy, unveiling the profound influence it has on your relationship with yourself and your body. Prepare to embark on a transformative adventure as we ride the waves of energy together and uncover the secrets to nurturing a harmonious bond with our inner and outer selves.

The Dance of Light Within

1. Illuminating the Divine Connection

In the cosmic dance of existence, the very first intimate relationship you experience is your relationship with the light that flows within you as a Divine being of light—your Soul Rider. This radiant energy, the essence of your being, creates a profound connection with your core self. Take a moment to draw your energy and awareness into your line of light, envisioning it as a river flowing through the depths of your being.

As you engage in this imaginative exercise, notice how your light, your true essence, affects your emotional state. Feel the freedom, purity, expansiveness, and power that emanates from running your energy in this divine river. This is your relationship with self—vertical, internal, and uniquely yours. Embrace it, cherish it, and let it guide your interactions with the world.

Embracing the Body's Inner Light

2. The Radiant Symphony of Body and Soul

Just as you, as a Soul Rider, have an intimate relationship with your inner light, your body too has its own journey of self-discovery. Your body, embodied by the Body Deva, possesses a spark of divine energy that courses through its being. Visualize this spark flowing from the heart of source, cascading down through your spine, and looping back up, creating a continuous flow of vitality.

When you invite your Body Deva to run its energy in this Loop of light, observe how it influences your physical and emotional well-being. It might evoke similar sensations of freedom, clarity, calmness, and strength as you experienced with your own light. Revel in the realization that your relationship with your body is an extension of your relationship with self. The qualities you admire and nurture within your light shape how your body feels and interacts with you.

Reflections in the Mirror of Relationships

3. Mirroring the Inner Landscape

Relationships are mirrors, reflecting back the dynamics we cultivate within ourselves. Just as you witness and appreciate your body's connection with its inner light, your body too witnesses and responds to how you relate to yourself. By embracing your light, valuing its qualities, and being gentle with yourself, you lay the foundation for a loving and harmonious relationship with your body.

Imagine yourself as a writer, riding upon a majestic creature—a horse, a dolphin, or even a bird. How would you treat your loyal companion? With kindness, understanding, and care, right? Extend the same grace to your body as you embark on this journey together. Be present, centered, and in control of your relationship with your nature spirit. Embrace surprise and curiosity, allowing your body's wisdom to guide you through the waves of life.

The Ripple Effect on External Connections

4. Radiate and Attract: Shaping Your World

As you nurture the relationship between your consciousness and energy, a remarkable transformation begins to unfold. The way you engage with your inner and outer selves affects how you connect with others. By being conscious of this beautiful relationship within, you radiate an energy that draws in intimate connections reflective of your self-perception.

If your connection with your body and self has been tenuous, marked by neglect or identification solely with the physical form, it might manifest in outer relationships where you feel ignored or unacknowledged. However, as you delve deeper into this work of re-patterning and reprogramming, your conscious awareness will gradually permeate the external world, transforming the dynamics of your relationships.

The Empowering Journey Continues

5. A Thrilling Ride into Self-Realization

Congratulations on embarking on this thrilling ride of self-realization and energy exploration! By nurturing your relationship with self and body, you unleash the power within to shape your experiences and connections with the world. Remember, this journey is ongoing. As you delve further into the depths of your consciousness, you'll continue to unravel the mysteries and forge ever-stronger bonds with yourself and those around you.

So, buckle up, dear Soul Rider, and prepare to ride the waves of energy, cultivating a profound relationship with your truest self. Together with your body, explore the realms of consciousness and embrace the transformative power that lies within. Get ready to radiate your light and attract a world filled with harmonious connections and limitless possibilities!


Illuminating the Path: Harnessing Discernment as Your Cosmic Compass